Over the past century, AI has risen to stardom after its numerous appearances in big-budget films and best-selling books. However, movies focus on evil uses of AI when, in reality, AI has been a very beneficial tool. Take the recent Covid-19 outbreak as an example. Ai has been employed to model, track, diagnose, and help prevent the spread of the virus. One potential use of AI being explored is using AI to quickly generate a list of medical compounds that can bind to the virus, significantly speeding up the process of finding effective medicine. Unlike antibiotics, antiviral medication binds to and disables a specific protein, not the entire virus. For example, scientists are targeting covid-19’s spiky surface proteins, peplomers. Peplomers bind to human ace2 proteins to enter our lung cells. Disabling the peplomers makes the virus ineffective. Image of Covid-19 virus and its spikes Unfortunately, traditional methods of predicting how the tangled mess of amino-acids will loo...